If you have “trust issues”, you’re not alone! UPDATE!

Dave Krieger interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. about his new book, “The Real Anthony Fauci”, December 14, 2021 on ThePowerHour.com from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Central Time. In case you miss the interview, you can listen to its rebroadcast online at the same URL.

(OP-ED) — The author of this post is a paralegal and investigative journalist and offers this “overview” on the subject matter for educational purposes and does not represent any of the following as to legal or medical advice.

As a caveat, this diatribe may evolve into many of my own personal opinions; however, I have grave concerns about how these opinions might negatively influence the readers of this post. This post explores the political and ethical aspects of what has taken place over the last decade and posits the “why” and by what means things are not what they seem in today’s “climate” and what possibilities exist (without having to resort to scare tactics) in our collective futures from a somewhat Libertarian perspective.


Understand that governments are necessary to aid in the civilized function of society. They are not meant to direct and control the society. Our Founding Fathers clearly understood that when they drafted America’s mechanisms of liberty found in the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. While the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights have gone unmolested, the Constitution has undergone numerous Amendments that one could say might have been implemented to undermine or subvert the freedoms that were first instituted through our founding documents.

We initially started out with a Republic. Statesman-Inventor Ben Franklin even warned a woman who asked what kind of government the framers had wrought for America and Franklin’s response was: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Franklin also warned that those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither liberty nor security.

These days, we’ve heard the term, “Democracy” bandied about so much so that depending on who you talk to, this term has been altered and modified to fit whatever ideology the presenter wants the listener to believe. We’ve been programmed to understand that We the People are a part of this process (representative government); however, over the last decade, even this term has been intentionally distorted to drive America into a divisive sinkhole. Sadly, the intentions of the elitist factions (behind the driving force of this campaign) appears to be working.

I am trying to avoid the use of global terminology such as the New World Order because of its negative connotations; however, it would pay to study the ways of the World Economic Forum, as this entity plays a very major role in the way world views have shifted and who is behind the nefarious scenarios that have manifested themselves in recent years.

If you’ll notice, I did not put “tags” in this script as the post is meant for the readers who subscribe to this blog and not for general public consumption because the readers of this blog are generally critical thinkers who clearly can delineate the difference between propaganda and fact, as the general public could regard this discussion as folly.

The political elite and its support base have openly expressed concern (which many have defined as “arrogance”) of their opinion that the existence of the world as we know it has been compromised. They have convinced themselves that the planet Earth’s existence has been compromised by climate change, something only they know how to control. This collective bunch is literally attempting to scare the world’s population into believing that the planet’s existence has been reduced to a matter of years, all because of climate change and how it affects the world’s ability to feed itself. This self-proclaimed pomposity has also generated numerous rumors that unless the elite appoints themselves to resolve these issues, the world is certainly doomed. The elite believe that they have become the world’s authority on the subject because of their collective wealth and political clout and thus, to simplify, they believe they know more than you do and how you should live and be controlled. Beyond that, the basis for which the world is rapidly devolving (according to them) centers around massive population growth as being the key problem that’s causing climate change … and they’ve collectively set about to “fix” that issue.


All any government has to do to gain control of a population is to persuade their minds that without that government’s intervention (in some way, shape or form), things cannot get back to “normal”.

First, we have to define what “normal” is. What it isn’t, is the “new normal”. The difference between the two is that “normal” is to be free of restraint to be able to co-exist peacefully in a civilized society, where racism is not even thought of as a precursor to the Constitutional right of being treated equally. In America, we all are treated equally and those who are successful “create” that lifestyle because free enterprise is rewarded, not shunned. “Normal” is being without fear (the quote on the Jameson Irish Whiskey bottle is “Sine Metu” (pronounced “SEE-nah MAY-too”), which means “without fear”. Without fear means going on about your daily life as a free person without fear of retribution, understanding that “wherever law ends, tyranny begins” (John Locke, 1689).

The “new normal” is built on propaganda. Propaganda is sorted into two categories: (1) misinformation and (2) disinformation. Between the two, any government can create a “state of confusion” designed to control and manipulate the masses into behaving like the government wants the masses to behave. Benjamin Franklin even noted (historically) that “whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” Thus, the question posited here is … Have our rights to speak freely been censored by social media, the media in general and suppressed by the government that condones and supports Big Tech’s behavior? You have to honestly answer that question with another question … Am I afraid to speak freely because I’ve been conditioned to believe that others will shame me for my beliefs? Is my opinion not worth anything anymore?

The average mindset does not perform well when the human being is presented with so much of the foregoing that the mind has serious difficulty using rational thought processes to decipher which statements are true and which are bullshit. If someone said that your government was out to kill you over time with the so-called “vaccine”, would your mind reject such a thought on the basis that “Why would my government want to kill me?” “What did I do to deserve that?” “I’m a productive member of society … why should I believe that I need to be exterminated ‘for the greater good’?”

Understand that since March of 2020, America has been put through the stressful phase of lockdown because of a “perceived” pandemic. Much of the world followed suit. The death toll from the coronavirus still continued to climb. At that point in time, no one ever thought that the government bureaucracy could have manipulated the data to achieve total control through fear. Much to that effort, the mainstream media set about to “program” everyone into believing that if you left the confines of your secure home, you would catch COVID-19 and die. This goes along with the narrative, “never let a crisis go to waste”.

While many of those who “drank the Kool-Aid” still believe this to be true, America was conditioned (programmed) to believe that mask wearing was the only way you could go out in public and exist without getting the virus. The omniscient, omnipresent government had all the answers and the mainstream media played the spoon-fed propaganda (Operation Mockingbird) to the fear-stricken public; thus, mask wearing allegedly became part of the “new normal”.

When reports of mask wearing started emitting from the medical community by frontline doctors, contradictory reports started surfacing in an attempt to demonize those who were promoting the shunning of masks. We couldn’t have all of our “control subjects” running around without masks, right? Many who started becoming suspicious of the “new normal” narratives began to rebel by not wearing masks. People who had been programmed then turned on those who weren’t wearing masks and went so far as to physically assault them. This author observed on multiple occasions consumers who would literally fight over parking spaces in shopping centers, getting out of their cars and getting into fisticuffs. The average person that has been overcome with fear then had to discern whether or not the guy who was beating up the non-mask wearer was right in doing so versus the victim who was simply refusing to be controlled by a narrative. This is (in a way) very similar to interviewed parents who said, “They should have shot them all” … in the media’s follow-up to the May 4, 1970 shootings at Kent State (Ohio) that left 4 dead and 9 wounded. Some folks actually believe that protesting should not be allowed in America because it represents a stand against “the narrative” and that the hundreds who protested at Kent State should have all been “taken out”.

This is where cognitive dissonance kicks in. The human mind rejects what it has originally been conditioned to believe in the event it is presented with a narrative that is so far-fetched that denial of such would be easier than allowing the narrative to control the thought process. The cognitive dissonance part of this equation is looking at a narrative and attempting to rationalize it as to its truthfulness and its application to your situation. Denial is when your original belief system refuses to accept that narrative because your mind believes that the narrative is too far-fetched to be real, even if it might be true. This is why there are “truth seekers” in this world that are willing to go past all “narratives” and determine whether that narrative is actually real based on hard data and research.

It is amazing to see how much of America’s 323-million people actually believe everything their government tells them vis a vis the spoon-fed media, which many have expressed to this author that the media is being told what to say (Operation Mockingbird) by the CIA. How could an agency that is supposed to protect us from foreign invasion by serving in the capacity of intelligence gathering turn on its own citizens and scare them into believing everything the government is telling them through the mainstream media?

When the mind is presented with so many “narratives” that it hits overload, over time, cognitive dissonance is affected and confounded, largely in part because our belief systems have been purposefully altered. This is why Nazi propaganda minister Josef Goebbels’ comment about “feeding a people a lie long enough and soon they will come to believe it” holds true, even in today’s society. Manipulate the data, manipulate the research, manipulate the narrative, manipulate the masses’ belief systems = societal confusion and greater chance of total control of that society, which amount to totalitarianism (communism; control by dictatorship).

Those who reject the narratives are targeted, shamed and demonized into submission or forced to withdraw from the mainstream objectives of society (like giving up a medical license because you, according to your government, are spewing “disinformation” or “misinformation”, when in fact, the government has been manipulating the data to confuse the masses all along and misleading the public to get the public to conform to its way of thinking). What’s worse is when a doctor speaks up, realizing the narrative has been manipulated to hide the real truth … and is then threatened with the loss of his medical license simply because he “went public” with his opinion about the data being manipulated. Oh my! We can’t have THAT now, can we? This is one prime example of the “narratives” being bandied about today that create total confusion among the masses.

Confusion begats fear of the unknown. Fear is the means by which control mechanisms are infused into a civilized society in order to make it turn on itself. Those who let fear rule their lives have turned away from God, the Bible and their walk in love as civilized human beings. Families have even become polarized … and this is all by design to destroy the family unit for the “greater good” of the government’s attempt to enforce its narratives. Here are some examples:


In today’s society, one shining example of purposeful and useful narrative manipulation is mask wearing. To mask or not to mask. THAT is the question? Whether tis nobler to suffer the pain and the slings of COVID or to be placed in total servitude through our own demonstrative ability to conform.

For every claim that masks are essential to prevent COVID, there are studies that refute that idea because the “truth” has been stated that the droplets that contain the virus can be stopped from getting into the atmosphere by those infected when another “truth” has been stated that the COVID virus is so small it penetrates the microscopic holes in the mask. This is a classic confusion narrative.

Studies have been done by American universities over mask wearing by children in schools and the studies have shown that mask wearing has done more harm than good. Children have complained that they become light-headed over time (due to hypoxia), feel less normal because no one can see their facial expressions and thus, they are made to feel “excluded” from reality because their “reality” has been embedded in the “new normal”. When scientists at the University of Florida examined mask samples from a given school, they found all sorts of harmful bacteria breeding inside the masks. So then, what are we to believe? Is mask wearing a scientific means of protecting one’s self from harming others (and vice versa) in exchange for the harmful side effects of wearing a mask or does wearing a mask signify that one has submitted to the total whims and control of the government imposing the wearing of them? Has mask wearing now become a stigma of those who believe everything the government tells them because they’ve lost the ability to think for themselves?

Now, ask yourself … what if the “science” and the “data” was manipulated to achieve a different narrative?

Does that give Dr. Fauci (Mengele) the right to “flip-flop” on his attitudes towards mask wearing? Who the hell made Fauci your God? How do you know his “science” is really “science” and not the means by which Lord Fauci stands to make millions off of his scientific patents? Lest we neglect to follow the money trail, how then can we discern whether the narrative is true or false?


To vax, or not to vax. THAT is the question? This narrative has been so controversial that the human mind is being conditioned to understand that by NOT being vaccinated with this new “drug”, through a government-sanctioned program promoted by the government as Operation Warp Speed … that the following alternative options have been weighted against your decision:

  1. To not be allowed to enter public places, such as restaurants and gyms;
  2. To not be allowed to travel on airlines or cruise ships;
  3. To not be allowed to enter grocery stores;
  4. To not be allowed to travel from state to state in your car;
  5. To not be allowed to go to work;
  6. To be fired from your job for refusing to take the jab; and
  7. To be permanently labeled as “unpatriotic” or as a “dissident” or even worse, as a “domestic terrorist”.

God forbid, which one of these “choke points” has persuaded you that in order to survive, you need to get the jab? This author sees no data to support any of what “Kool-aid” Big Pharma is making billions of dollars a year to get you to indulge in. Again, lest you follow the money trail, how can you discern whether this fear mongering is not really an attempt to induce you into becoming part of the “needle in every arm” narrative?

Further, if the science was revealed that by getting “the jab”, within 3 years you would end up with a neurodegenerative disorder (prion disease), renal failure, be permanently sterilized and rendered infertile and potentially die, would you still take “the jab”? Or would you simply succumb to “peer pressure” because you want to be “accepted” into the realm of the “new normal” among the vaccinated, who chose to play “Russian Roulette” with their lives? Could this be a clear demonstration that choke points contained within the parameters of this narrative (the threat of your loss of freedom) is working to influence your decision making processes?

Now we have the fear of variants. We are being told by the frontline doctors and scientists (including Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier) that the variants are being caused by the vaccines themselves. Oh my! The government cannot allow this narrative to dominate your mind now, can it? Even Montagnier, who discovered HIV is now being shamed by the media and the scientific community.

Let’s think about that for a minute. HIV is a recombinant virus. Recombinant means that the virus has the ability to replicate itself in multiple forms. Back in the 1970’s, Dr. Robert Strecker identified the HIV strains as having the ability to recreate itself 655-trillion times. THAT is the “science” behind why there are now “variants” out there that you must now be fearful of (according to the government).


This is why the narratives of natural immunity are now running in conflict with the idea that these vaccines work. More confusion.

Further, if your mind was laced with propaganda that the World Economic Forum collectively decided that in order to be able to survive “climate change”, “We need to eliminate as much of the world’s population as possible through a vaccine eugenics program!” … would your cognitive dissonance accept the idea that the WEF is Satanic or evil and needs to “go away” … or would you simply deny that (in your own reality) no one is “out to get me” because I’m a “good person”. If you were such a good person, then why are your children being baited against other children through critical race theory and shamed in many of the public schools across America? Many parents of late have awakened to this programming of their children by school teachers that are hell bent in playing into this narrative about hating the country they live in.

One teacher actually took down the American flag and hid it away. When one of her students asked where the class was supposed to face during the Pledge of Allegiance, the teacher pointed at the pride flag.

You see how easy it is to bounce from one narrative to another, simply because all of those “narratives” are “on the table”? Could it be that all of these “narratives” were put there to keep you in a total state of confusion and fear? Where is your trust and faith in God? Do you really believe your government will take care of you when it left Americans and those who helped them in Afghanistan behind enemy lines to be victimized by multiple terrorist organizations that seek to politically destroy America? This aspect of being spoon-fed lies by the Commander in Chief (on more than one occasion) that “no one should be left behind” … well … remember the educational program, “No one left behind”? Examine the parallels and see how society is being manipulated to allow the government to “lower its standards” so that everyone is treated “equally”. Do you see where this is going?


Another contradictory narrative is that the so-called “vaccine” was invented by Trump, so Kamala Harris stated she wouldn’t get the jab on that basis (political motivation based on extreme behavior). Based on relevant data, if Biden were to be impeached because of the conditions he created in Afghanistan, Harris would become president. Pelosi would become Vice President. The narrative then shifts amongst the weary as to the “lesser of two evils” syndrome. But what if the “narrative” was being controlled by outside third parties?

For the sake of politics, what “narrative” are We the People supposed to believe and accept as the “truth”? How much do your leaders that you put your trust in really care about you as a person? The scientific community was looking for a reason to introduce the jab into society … what a better way to accomplish that goal by introducing a bioweapon (the spike protein) into as many human beings as possible via the jab?


“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” (quote from the Wizard of Oz)

When your government’s leaders actions speak louder than their words, should you be worried?

President Joe Biden, Jr. checked his watch each time a dead service member’s body was unloaded off the plane. Was he two hours late for his nap? The service members’ parents observed this behavior and were visibly pissed.
Meanwhile, Kamala “Giggles” Harris was posing in Vietnam in front of the Ho Chi Minh statute. This is the person who will be president if Biden is ever impeached. She was in Vietnam while an unknown number of Americans and Afghan supporters have been stranded in parts of Afghanistan and face potential doom at the hands of terrorists.
And Nancy Pelosi would become the Vice President of the United States if Harris were to become President … use your imagination here as to the State of American Politics if that were to happen. How quickly would all of these narratives “turn on a dime” for the sake of control? Now Pelosi wants Big Tech and the phone companies to turn over all of the opposing politicians’ emails so she can start “building files” on them. How Hillary Clintonesque!


All those Texas Democrats who fled to D.C. to avoid having to vote on legislation that they claim would wreck voting rights for minorities got on board a private aircraft and flew to Washington with no masks on (let’s not forget the beer that was visibly observed on board the plane). Were they really protesting the Republican-sponsored bill or were they going to D.C. to try to lobby the Democratic-majority House of Representatives to get a federal voting rights bill passed?

Seven of those Texas Democrats who fled to D.C. came down with COVID-19. They all congregated in think tank sessions with VP Kamala Harris, who, despite all of the fracas in Kabul, managed to distance herself from it all to save her own political ass. Do you see what the political options are for America? Their efforts to lobby D.C. to pass a federal voting law to save these Democratic politicians’ asses in Austin, Texas were futile. Now the Texas legislature is back in session and the Voting Rights bill has now become law.

Yet politicians and the media have managed to polarize America through divisiveness and has turned Americans against each other to the point where we have rejected even the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussion with each other. Parts of society have even reared their ugly heads in the name of race-baited political ideologies to further their causes of what they claim are “white supremacy” or “black lives matter” (as if no other lives matter). It’s so easy to label someone as a “racist” because you don’t agree with their opinion, isn’t it?


This narrative has got everybody “worked up” … January 6, 2021 … Washington, D.C.

Everyone’s got an opinion. Apparently, the Democrats in Washington don’t want a good crisis to go to waste. Yet folks who were arrested and put into D.C. jails without being able to see an attorney continue to “rot” in their cells while the political tirade carries on before a committee of self-aggrandizing, pompous asses who want to get to the bottom of how Capitol Police allowed demonstrators to get into the House of Representatives “in an attempt to stop the electoral process from confirming Biden as President”. Do you see where this “narrative” has caused so much divisiveness among the masses in America?

Now there’s talk that the FBI had informants in the crowd who were put there to incite the riot. It’s the “cause and effect” narrative. How can one create more confusion to further achieve the objectives of controlling the masses? To even think that the FBI would even stoop so low … well … this author has “trust issues” just on that basis alone.

And the Capitol Police were given every opportunity to fully ramp up to protect the capitol from rioting that day, yet they weren’t called in full force. Neither was the National Guard. Do you believe that subject matter will be put on the table or swept under the rug? And what about the FBI informants? The cop who shot Ashlii Babbitt? He’s been exonerated for “doing his job”. Has that affected your narrative outlook? To think that if that same black cop shot a black person instead of an unarmed white person, would the narrative now change? Or do you need more data to make a real decision? In other words, if it’s not a white cop killing a black person (George Floyd), does the narrative become useful for some but not for others? Statistical data say otherwise. But then again, how do you know the data is really the truth? How do you know that data hasn’t been manipulated to cause groups like BLM to start their defund the police campaigns? When you cannot trust the government to protect you, what then must you do?

It’s okay if protesters riot, loot and burn our cities but it’s not okay to riot at the Capitol? And after January 6th, what happened? A giant fence was erected around buildings that belong to We the People … all in the name of security? For who? The self-serving blowhards in Congress?

Contradictions in political thinking also create divisiveness. This narrative is more confusing than even the mask or the vaccine narratives because a lot of folks have made up their mind about both wearing masks and getting the jab.

In fact, over 50% of the U.S. population that has the ability to get the jab because it was made available to them have done so. Politically speaking, 9 out of 10 Democrats (as opposed to 1 out of 2 Republicans) got the jab. Does this mean that the whole infusion of potential Democratic voters through our southern borders is counterproductive? How could it be? The opposing narrative is to kill off everyone through the jab so the 500,000,000 the world can support (according to the elite) themselves, because those in power belief all of their bullshit. They’ve all convinced themselves they’re right, which is another key reason NOT to “trust” what they think.


Lucky #7!

It is infuriating to think that with all of the foregoing narratives floating around in your head … add to that the “open border” situation along America’s southern border. Tens of thousands of people are freely migrating into this country on a regular basis, many of them being apprehended; many of them infected with COVID-19. Many of them have been placed into detention camps and prisons all across the U.S.

Yet, your President has come right out and told you that YOU, as an American citizen, should do your patriotic duty and wear and mask and get the jab, while thousands of migrants who seek asylum in the U.S. don’t have to comply with either of these mandates. Do the conflicting narratives now manifest the real intent of those who allowed America’s borders to be opened … to speed up the amnesty process so all of these “new citizens” can vote Democrat? And all of the Afghans that have recently been brought into America … now the news is coming out that many of these are just citizens trying to escape Sharia law and none of them were ever involved in helping American soldiers in the Afghan conflict. Does this contradiction in the “no one left behind” narrative now bring added stress to your mental level of security?


To paraphrase Ben Franklin … those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither liberty or security.

The question we need to be asking ourselves is whether the foregoing narratives were put in front of us (through a year’s worth of lockdowns) as a means to program us into hating each other and dividing America so the elitists could then come in and “take over”? Have we become so reckless that we’ve allowed our “guards” to be let down to the whims and dictates of the left? Have we become so “mindless” that the government should be allowed to step in as our “guardian” and turn us all into Soylent Green? Montagnier has identified that 4% of the strains in the jabs contain HIV and malaria viruses. And now, think about why we have variants? Is that by design? Oh my! How could our government do such a thing to all of us little “good people” out there?

The next question we need to be asking ourselves is why the government is so quick to dismiss whether the COVID-19 virus is a bioweapon that was launched on the world to deliberately destroy it so a think tank could further its agenda to inject the very bioweapon into our bodies through the jab?

There are a multitude of questions that come up for each of the foregoing narratives (and that’s not even ALL of the narratives, huh?) that have all of us at each other’s throats … yet which killed more people? COVID-19 or suicide by opioid overdose or self-inflicted gunshot wounds? Cancer or traffic accidents? Do cops kill more white people than black people or do black people kill more black people than cops? Can you as an individual control what happens in society or do you think how you control your own destiny is more important? Does it make one a “racist” for adopting a “me first” attitude? Or does the “collective good” principle hold true that you must do what benefits society as a whole? What benefits society as a whole, is the duty of its citizens to live responsibly.

And you wonder why lockdowns serve an alleged “dual purpose”? People can be so “spoon-fed” propaganda … it’s just like out of a chapter of George Orwell’s technocratic novella 1984, isn’t it?


Critical thinking is important here. America was not embroiled in racism of late. We have been conditioned to survive in our own bubbles, wondering whether or not (when or if) we’re going to have our personal freedoms completely eliminated. The Prime Minister of New Zealand locked down the entire country over one allegedly positive PCR test. And what about those PCR tests? Because they didn’t have COVID strains in them, how does one know they weren’t ALL false positive in their results, no matter how many times one got tested? Could this be the reason the data can be so easily manipulated so as to continue to drive the fear-based narrative into the minds of the population to get them to comply with government dicta?

The author refers to this as a “sub-narrative” because it’s a question that follows a question arising out of a classic confusion narrative. Again, watching re-runs of the Deer Hunter and the Russian Roulette scene should bring to mind the psychotic state of many Americans … all because of programmed fear mongering.

One would wonder why the illegal immigrants invading this country don’t just pay a visit to all of the politicians who engineered their freedom to roam the countryside, potentially infected with COVID-19, without any repercussions at all, while the government is demanding we all get vaccinated. Hmmm. Don’t the contradictions seem a little obvious here?

The opportunity to control your narrative begins here. This is the point in time that one must realize that if We the People don’t regain control of our own destinies, none of us may ever be able to achieve any of them. Do we have to peacefully assemble and demonstrate to get the message across? Or must the tree of liberty be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants?

Many of those who have served this country (in the armed forces) see the shit show in Afghanistan as a dereliction of duty by their own Commander-in-Chief and are now arming themselves to the teeth. Why do you think the Biden Administration now wants to take away everyone’s guns and ammunition? What is our government so afraid of? As it is, even the military is being race-bated with critical race theory narratives and made to tear down its self worth. People on the outside looking in, which dominate the unvaccinated in America, understand that if they want “security”, they have to provide it for themselves. Unless our government structure changes, this “Red State, Blue State” scenario could turn into a full-blown civil war. Let that narrative soak in … because the longer our borders stay open, the greater the chances terrorists who want to destroy America will sneak in and threaten your personal security. What do we need? Another “9-11” to “snap” us out of our delirium? If terrorism attacks come to America, will you thank your government for allowing them to happen because of twisted foreign policy?

If this author were to tell you that there is no “security” except that which you create for yourself, would you seek to achieve that by any means possible? Or would you think the author is simply being paranoid?

God Bless each one of us … that we make the right decisions … that we collectively “do the right thing” … walk in love … be kind to each other … talk to each other civilly and treat each other as we ourselves want to be treated … and stop kowtowing to the whims of a government that appears to have replaced security and self-governance with fear, hatred and self-loathing. We have been bestowed with documents enacted by our Founding Fathers that give us those inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Let us not forget that our individual purposes in life is to bless others’ lives while we exist on this earth.

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One response to “If you have “trust issues”, you’re not alone! UPDATE!

  1. Ronald O'Donnell

    Great writing skills demonstrated here by identifying many points of confusion intentionally generated by the “self proclaimed” smarter people in a sequence that people can “wrap their head’s around”.

    Please join me for “National Bankruptcy Week” Dave.


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