Daily Archives: August 26, 2021

Other relevant issues

The author of this post is currently a radio talk show host on kdwradio.com (City Spotlight – Special Edition) and has (for the last 2 years, on numerous occasions) had on guests that have been fighting their foreclosures for over 13 years, as well as attorneys who have fought foreclosures in the courts across America. Any content shared on this post is for educational purposes only and thus, cannot be construed as legal advice.

If you look at the bottom of the Clouded Titles Blog page, you’ll notice at the end of the script at the very bottom, it says “… and other relevant issues.” There was a reason for adding this phrase because from time to time, consumers can (and are being) affected by more than just foreclosure. The author wishes to take advantage of that phrase to address some other issues that are currently plaguing America besides the looming foreclosure crisis redux.


From time to time, you’ve heard the saying, “We are our own worst enemy.” The “We” part of that has been twisted up in knots to currently mean, “We the People” (from a Constitutional perspective).

When I was guest hosting on The Power Hour in July of this year (I’m getting ready to move into the full-time show host slot on that channel soon), I interviewed Dr. Naomi Wolf, whose Twitter and now YouTube accounts have been deleted because of comments she made on those sites that were deemed by the moderators of these two platforms as “misinformation” or “against policy”. Dr. Wolf has taken up the issues of “masking” and “the jab” and “choice”.

Since when is free speech in America against policy? When it appears not to conform to the platitudes of social media.

I will tell you in the here and now that Dr. Wolf’s interview was “challenging” because despite our commonalities and beliefs in the Constitution (she’s a die-hard liberal Democrat and I’m a Libertarian; however, I do not espouse everything with the Libertarian mindset, but almost everything) she is still a human being with a right to her opinion, just as you as an American, under the protections of the Constitution, are entitled to your opinion.


The major problem we have today is the apparent inability to share our opinions and ideas without fear of being banned, suspended, disgraced or censored by some social media platform … or having our sites or comments deleted because we attempt to share research or concepts by which we desire to shape the opinions of others.

Part of the problem with Big Tech is that it is one-sided and rather tyrannical. Yet many choose to continue to support it by maintaining channels within its platforms. The author had to ask himself that if Dr. Wolf, a liberal, could be so easily censored, then when can this author expect the same treatment from social media because he seeks to help others by sharing information that can help shape ideas and opinions and cause others to actually “think”?

America has fallen victim to political subterfuge, cancel culture and demonization. These, by definition, are very dangerous obstacles to the Constitution of the United States of America. When we are not allowed the freedom to speak, to share ideas, to congregate and discuss the “relevant issues” of the day, we are faced with tyranny.

America has never been a country to tolerate tyranny … at least up until now. Tyranny has been nibbling away at the very foundations of what has made America great. (I’m not a “Trumper” … I’m a “Trumpeter”). There is no need (in the author’s book) to make something great “again” that has always been “great” in the first place. I do take issue however, with what BOTH “sides of the aisle” have done to this great nation of ours. We the People have elected a president and congress (whether you choose to believe is “legal” is still up for debate) that have literally wrecked America for the time being. We the People have been given “options” to face, all in the name of survival.

In New Zealand, one reported case of the Democratic Flu and the entire country was shut down with the woman prime minister telling each citizen to “stay in your bubble”. America experienced something similar back in March of 2020, when its citizens were all told to “stay in their bubbles”. Don’t congregate, don’t socialize … just sit back, watch your favorite Netflix shows and watch and listen to “mainstream media” program your mind with fear and thoughts of rejection and white supremacy. It’s no wonder the rates of suicide and opioid overdoses skyrocketed during the balance of 2020.


The media doesn’t refer to the content of what it presents as “programming” for nothing. Having been in the media for a number of years (since 1968), a majority of the “programming” this author has seen evolve has become a “tool” of politization and mind control. The constant bombardment of the liberal establishment has turned our collective minds into goo, while the constant bombardment of the conservative counter programming has attempted to shift our attitudes away from the liberal attitudes we’ve been programmed with for over a year of lockdowns with attitudes of fear. I take issue with both sides because the programming that has been expressed (in any media) has been rife with politics with no basis in real fact or data that is believable, but rather based on emotion. If one sits in front of the tube night after night, day after day, watching all of this “programming”, one might be left in a state of hopelessness and despair, thinking there is no other way out of these “doldrums”, without taking some sort of evasive action to escape it.

You can’t go anywhere these days without seeing someone and judging them more harshly than you used to because of cancel culture programming. Parents are now rising up against teachers and school boards who have taken up the task of programming their children with critical race theory, which in the end is counterproductive to a free-thinking society that has been stripped of its ability to walk around this earth in love. How can one be a member of a civilized society if they’re being programmed with hate, fear and self-loathing? Being told you’re less of a person because you’re “white” and you should be ashamed of yourself is “going off the deep end” because it’s an extreme attitude and generally, extreme attitudes are avoided by the human mind based on cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance is the mind’s ability to reject those thoughts that the soul finds disconcerting and unbelievable. But what happens if this “programming” is spoon-fed to our nation’s children day after day, week after week and month after month, followed by, “Okay, kids, go home and have a nice summer!” That’s like training a terrorist to go home and disrupt the family unit because your kid has spent the last 9 months in a “training camp” that has programmed him to fear, hate and feel less than a human being.

The one thing about cognitive dissonance is that counterculture programming over time can reshape the mind to believe anything those tasked with reshaping the minds (of our children) are allowed to get away with. This is why you see parents screaming at school board members about the way their children are being “educated”.

As in the days of Nazi Germany, propaganda minister Josef Goebbels proclaimed that if you lie to people often enough, soon they will come to believe it. History has taught us just how effective this “programming” was. Now you have the Department of Homeland Security. Back in the days of the Third Reich, Hitler referred to Germany as “the homeland”. History does repeat itself and those who are ignorant of it are condemned to repeat it. (Georg Satayana) This is why the woke in this country want to tear down statues and promote racism and fear because if you can change society’s way of thinking and program its citizens to accept government control, you can change the entire landscape to become government-dependent. That … is socialism.

Socialism on paper looks great … but in practice? It’s been tried in other countries around the world and has failed miserably.

Remember what happened in Nazi Germany prior to WWII? First came the proposition of gun registration. Then came gun confiscation when people refused to give up their guns voluntarily. Then came demonization (of those Hitler thought were not justified to be citizens of the “homeland” because of their race, color or religious beliefs) of certain factions of society. Then came the political polarization of the masses. Then came the “rounding up” of those factions of society that were to “blame” for society’s problems. Then came the concentration camps.

Now see what is going on in America … as history unfolds. We now have gun registration. But we also have concealed carry permits in many states. Gun confiscation has not occurred yet because not enough Americans have been deemed mentally unfit to possess a firearm. We have more prisons here than any other nation in the world. We have Rex84 Program style concentration camps that are currently housing illegal immigrants awaiting deportation. Americans have been placed in a state of fear because some virus has been portrayed (through programming) to them to be deadly and thus promoted the separation of the masses so that ideas of what constitutes “deadly” and who’s “at fault” for letting this virus into the country, which amounts to a biological attack on the United States. Then the cancel culture starts up, first by censorship, then by being spoon-fed lies based on emotion, followed by mandates of some kind or another to impose social controls.

The foregoing are relevant issues because Americans can control their destinies if they choose to. They have the mindset to resist programming. The question is, do Americans have the mindset to resist react accordingly? Or have we collectively been reduced to a puddle of pudding?


This section was the author’s favorite (and final) section to write. Little did Sir Isaac Newton figure into the equation that in today’s political climate, the “just desserts” side of things is nearing critical mass.

Understand that those who have done their research understand that taking “the jab” could be lethal or produce undesirable consequences, such as rendering one a vegetable or even worse. For every government scientist that spews for the “safety and efficacy” of today’s known Emergency Use Authorization so-called “vaccine”, the equal and opposite reaction is frontline doctors who have looked at the data and disagree with what the government-sponsored scientists are saying.

The following factors have “put the kettle on to boil”:

  1. The Department of Homeland Security has now declared that all those who are “unvaccinated” should be considered “unpatriotic” and a potential “enemy of the state”.
  2. The “narrative” involving how We the People should behave socially keeps changing. First, we are told to stay home (lockdown) for our own good. We stay home and then what else is there to do besides yard work and chores around the house we couldn’t get done earlier. Second, we are told to wear masks everywhere because it’s for the good of those around you. Lord knows we don’t have enough common sense to stay home when we’re sick, right? So the government should do your thinking for you. Third, we’re told masks aren’t effective. Fourth, we’re told that the shot is “safe and effective against COVID”. Then the data prove that most of those getting the shot are coming down with COVID. Is America confused? Confusion causes panic and panic is a great motivator towards self-destruction or destruction of others.
  3. When we question the “science” and the “data” we are shamed by the government and others, censored when we try to express ourselves; and subsequently told simply just to shut up or be deleted from social media, which inherently is demonizing. This is Big Tech censorship, working hand in hand with the world’s elite to silence the dissidents.
  4. We were lied to about the conditions on the ground in Afghanistan. We were lied to about the condition of the Afghan military. The White House says one thing and the boots on the ground and the Pentagon says quite another. We were lied to about where the tens of billions of dollars were spent on a 20-year war. We were disillusioned by what we saw of all of the military equipment and inventory left behind as a waste of our tax dollars.
  5. 80-million plus voters feel disenfranchised because they think the 2020 election results were manipulated. Given the widespread auditing going on and the newly-discovered irregularities in the states’ election systems, can you blame anyone for the way they feel?
  6. The unnecessary killing of an unarmed veteran, Ashlii Babbitt by Capitol Police Officer Lt. Michael Byrd, who is being hailed both as a hero and as a victim. There are a lot of unanswered questions as to why a police officer can kill an unarmed American protester and not have to answer for that. But then again, the rules of engagement changed at Ruby Ridge and Waco and people died because it’s okay for government agents to shoot and kill innocent women and children all the while demonizing them in the media. It’s amazing that then-Attorney General Janet Reno said, “The buck stops with me.” Sound familiar?
  7. The government demands we comply with all of these COVID directives, yet the hierarchy, in complete disregard for the safety and welfare of Americans, opens the southern borders up to hordes of illegal immigrants to flood into the United States and then puts them on buses and planes and ships them off to various U.S. cities. Many of those came across the border with COVID. Many snuck across the border under stealth and managed to avoid authorities and are now “at large”. Doesn’t this kind of give you an unsettling feeling? To think that actual terrorists could be among those who snuck into America did so with the intent on committing acts rivaling those that occurred on 9-11.
  8. Many Americans have a sinking feeling about who they put into office, especially when they look at the rate of inflation and runaway spending sprees that Congress is putting into motion. The Keystone Pipeline has been shut down and now we are dependent on foreign oil again. When you have to start paying $5.00 a gallon for gasoline (if you’re not already), you have less money to buy groceries with. With energy prices going up as well, how long do you think it will be before people hit “the end of their rope”? How long can America tolerate a leader in the White House with a mental acuity of a 2-year-old before people snap?

Texas and Missouri just won a major challenge to the U.S. Government’s blunders to allow runaway immigration and their case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, where the nation’s high court ordered the reinstatement of the Remain in Mexico policy enacted by then-President Trump. It is not known yet whether the government is going to comply or whether the federal judge that issued the initial order is going to have to hold government officials accountable (in contempt) for violating his orders.

While all this is going on, Americans are voting with their feet and protesting against Blue State regulations. They are moving from Blue States to Red States. It is shameful that we have allowed politicians to polarize America into Dr. Seuss-type, “One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State” labeling. Angry American citizens in Red States continue to arm themselves for what this author has ascertained is the perception that America is facing another Civil War. What? That can’t happen here, right? History repeats itself. As long as we have a government that thinks that White Supremacists constitute all Republicans and business owners, and “woke” corporations treat American workers like they have been over refusing to be vaccinated, America is in serious trouble.

Health care workers worry about the collapse of the health care system due to walk-outs by those who won’t take the jab. Threats of imposing a “no-fly” list have put another layer of anxiety to the minds of unvaxxed travelers, who fret that an struggling air traffic system will be more heavily regulated, all in the name of “patriotism”.

Governors of several states have imposed mandatory this and mandatory that. Prosecutors won’t prosecute those who loot stores and burn buildings to the ground. Judges let repeat violent offenders out of jail to roam the streets and do the very same heinous acts again. Misguided leftists keep screaming to defund the police, to the detriment of law-abiding citizens. If this behavior is allowed to proliferate, Americans will be forced to stand their ground vis a vis the “castle doctrine”, which every American should be aware of and be prepared to effectuate if the need arises.

In the meantime, many Americans, in that equal and opposite reaction, while trying to maintain some semblance of civility, biding their time, biting their tongues while buying more guns and ammunition, getting ready for the ultimate throwback in U.S. history, another Civil War, which they believe is inevitable.

Sadly, more negative than positive history will soon manifest itself and Americans need to be vigilant and prepare for the backlash that could soon permeate the countryside. God Bless you and God Bless America.


Filed under Other Relevant Issues